Sunday, March 7, 2010


I occassionally write poems, some have reasons behind them... most don't. I remember the night I wrote this. I remember sitting on my bed. I was really down, not feeling like I knew what to do next. I remember being angry, and upset. I never felt so alone... I feeling my life was moving, but I was going anywhere.


As I sit on my bed I begin to cry
Everyday I ask God why?

I ask for my purpose,
I ask for my plan,
I ask if He can just reach out His hand.

I need guidance today.
I need hope for tomorrow.
If I can't have it for keeps,
I'll ask if I can borrow.

Many nights and days go by
Many days I wish I could fly.
So I could fly up and meet you
And ask you face to face why?

Why don't I know my purpose?
Why don't I know my plan?
Why do I feel like you won't reach out your hand?

All this is really hard for me,
But one day I hope to understand.
That this is all in your great big plan.

I now understand. I lacked faith. I lacked trust. I wasn't willing to put in the work. I had no relationship with the Lord. I was traveling through life alone, but now I have God by my side. And I am trying everyday to get closer to Him. So I may not know my exact plan or even my purpose, but I now have faith, trust, and I am willing to put in the work.

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