Monday, August 22, 2011

Seriously? Retreat (blog 2)

Day Two
I get about of bed at 7:30 waking Michaela so we can get in a quick shower before breakfast... We eat, and head right into morning devotionals. I absolutely loved this. It was a 30 minute time of peaceful music and time to spend in prayer, reading the Word, or journaling. As most of you know I am a huge journalor... I can spend hours journaling my thoughts, prayers, and daily intakes on life. So I greatly enjoyed this time. Then we spent the next hour listening to Rick preach on Jonah and how he spent 3 days in the great fish's belly...
Then we all changed into our swim suits or shorts, and headed for the lake. We spent the next hour or so on the water. I paddle boated with Michaela and everyone else either canoed or paddle boated too. It was a great joy to see the kids having so much fun (and the adults too). We paddled out to Strawberry Island. The water was so calm it made for easy sailing. I enjoyed my time with Michaela... Splashing her, and laughing with her. I just love that little rascal! We headed in so I could grab my camera get a few shots of everyone on the water... After a while we headed back to the lodge and played some more games of Mafia, and indian poker... We ate lunch. After lunch we had some time to just relax.

Erin, McKenzie, Michaela, and I headed out to the Chapel. Its a beautiful spot that over looks the lake. As we were sitting there we saw a gorgeous bald eagle being chased by 2 offspray. We followed it, and the birds just kept getting higher and higher in the sky... As we were walking back to the Lodge, RIck yelled for us that it was time. Time for what you might ask... Time for the Climbing Wall and the Leap of Faith.
The kids were so very excited to climb the wall... me on the other hand, not so much.... I made it half way up and decided I didn't want to go any further... After everyone went... We headed down to the Leap of Faith. I am not quite sure how high this Leap is, but I instantly did not want to participate. I was scared, and afraid I would have a panic attack in what flet like a 100 ft in the air... The point of the Leap is to try and reach a bar 6 feet away from the platform. After watching a few people go... I decided that I could do it... I got harnessed up and headed up the tree... Never looking down... I got the top and thought, "What have I gotten myself into..."  I stood there for a moment and prayed... taking a huge leap of faith... I didn't know if I could do it.  I was so nervous, scared, freaked out... you name it and I was it... I heard calls of encouragement from down below... I took me 4 and half minutes to jump.  I had everyone give me a countdown... and as I prepared to jump... I tried to stop myself... Of course I didn't reach for the bar... but if everyone hadn't rallied around me, I wouldnt have made it down.  It was their support and encouragement that got me off the ledge... I will forever be grateful that I did it... I was up there praying, and asking God to help me get down, and He of course did, by sending everyone on the ground to help me!  Thanks be to God for getting me down.  After the Leap of Faith we headed up for dinner...

Dinner was pizza, amazing... I ate outside with some of the guys... They were being there usually funny selfs.  Definitely reminded me of my brother and how he could never sit still during a meal.  We headed inside to listen to the message about Jonah and how he went to Nineveh.  Finishing up the night with Veggie Tales' story of Jonah... Popcorn and Milkduds...

We headed outside for a 1 hour game of Capture the flag, that turned into 2 games of capture the flag.  I was so sneaky during the first game of capture the flag.  It was the first time ever I made it the the jail on the other side.  I was using the trees to hide myself as I crept to the otherside... I thought for sure I would get caught, but I didn't!  YAY ME!  We finished the night with a short quick game capture the flag!  It was so much fun, but I was so very tired... As soon as we went in I headed for bed! 

Day Three

I did not want to get out of bed.... So I slept until 8:30 when breakfast was at 9.  We did morning devotionals, and finished out the story of Jonah.  I did not know that Jonah was upset with God's Compassion towards the people of Nineveh.  I understand it though.  Because I sometime find myself upset with something I know is God's Will.  It was definitely a wake up call for me.  Here's how I look at it.  God gave me a second chance when I didn't deserve one.  I definitely need to remind myself that I am in no way better then the people of Nineveh were... (I of course didn't go around slapping people with fish... Veggie Tales version haha).

After that we ate lunch, cleaned up, and packed up to head home.  I didn't want to leave... and as we were driving out Michaela told me... "I have a enough clothes for a few more days..."  So did I.  I am counting down the days until next summer's trip... California!!! 

I just want to finish by again stating that God has blessed my life grately.  I praise Him for all the work He did in these Teens lives this week, and for a the work He will continue doing in their's and mine!  It was the first weekend that all my focus was on Him.  I was packing up on Saturday, and it hit me that I hadn't thought about any of my worries back home.  I had left them there and focused on my relationship with the Lord.  It reminded me that that should be a daily thing.  I shouldn't have worries and if I do I should take them to God's doorstep and leave them there.  "Give all your worries and cares to God, for cares about you." 1 Peter 5:7

Thanks to everyone who made this amazing trip so amazing!  To every one of the COSM leaders thank you for your continued service, for the care and love you each showed for these teens... I am amazed that the things God has planned for all of us!  And to every single student, you all fill my heart with so much joy, and happiness.  It was great to see the want and drive to learn more about God!  The care and encouragement you all gave during the climbing wall, and the Leap of Faith! 

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