Sunday, November 20, 2011

My list.

I am now aware of a few things in life. Here's my list.

1. Don't fall for a guy who doesn't acknowledge your presence. Example: you are standing in the same room not more then 5 steps away, and you don't even get a nod in your direction.
2. Laugh all the time, and don't care who's listening.
3. Always know God is in control.
4. Don't become a hermit crab, and stay at home all time. Go out and enjoy yourself once in awhile.
5. Even friends will say cruel things. Usually means they were never really your friend.
6. Love with your whole heart. Even if your heart gets broken you will have learned something.
7. Find a true friend, and hold on to them tight even if they move halfway acrossed the country.
8. Patience. Probably the hardest thing for me because I want to be loved so badly.
9. Love your family regardless.
10. Always wear to different socks. It's just more fun that way.
11. Forgive as you were forgiven. This is a big one that I have yet to master. It's just a tough one for me.
12. Wear clothes that make you feel comfortable. Who cares what the magazines are saying.
13. Buy a pair of cowboy boots.
14. Tell the truth. Always.
15. Acknowledge the people who have made a difference in your life. They might not know it, and it's also nice to hear.
16. Set a good example. You seriously never know whose watching.
17. Don't sell yourself short. You will only get in the way for the great things God has planned for you.
18. Wear high heels every once in a while.
19. It's ok to cry.
20. It's ok to make mistakes, as long as your willing to fix them.
21. Never feel alone. God is always right by your side.
22. Pray often and in everything.
23. Don't be afraid of change.
24. Try something new every once in awhile. And if you don't like it... You never have to do it again.
25. Read. Read. Read. There's so much amazing information out there. Go find it for yourself.
26. Open your eyes. Remove the blinders, and soar.
27. Don't fear the unknown. Believe God has put you exactly where He needs you.
28. Exercise every once in a while... You will always feel better when your done.
29. Write things down. That way when you die your kids can go back and read your thoughts.
30. Get more then one perspective on a situation. It always seems to make things more clear.
31. Enjoy time with others.
32. Don't be afraid to meet new people. It never hurts to have more friends.
33. Smile.
34. Enjoy the little things in life. They can add up to big things.
35. Live for something other then yourself.
36. Never be afraid to really say what's on your mind. Someone is always willing to listen.
37. Encourage others.
38. We were meant to be courageous.
39. Always try your hardest.
40. Rekindle old relationships with long lost friends.. Especially if you don't know why your stopped being friends.
41. Live a little.
42. Don't do something to try to impress the guy you like. If he likes you... It will be because your you.
43. You live, you learn, you crash, you burn. And that's alright.
44. Never stay angry.
45. Show someone that you care. Reach out and lend a hand every once in a while.
46. Always keep something that means something to you... Even if it's cluddering up your room.
47. Watch at least one scary movie by yourself. It gives you a whole new meaning to Nightmare on Elm Street.
48. It's perfectly on to be you.
49. Don't let months and months pass by without saying something to the handsome guy that goes to your church. You wind up in situation #1.
50. Follow your heart.
51. Take time to just play with your kids. They love it when a grown up acts like a dead turtle. Makes them smile... And what's better the that.
52. Enjoy your alone time.
53. Enjoy a beer or a glass of wine every once in a while.
54. Never be afraid to show your true feelings.
55. Dance. In front of the mirror. In the kitchen. Professionally. However. Wherever.
56. Hope. Never give up hoping. If one door closes, never doubt another one will open.

Honestly I could go on forever. I have learned alot in my 25 years. Do I completely follow all of these things all of the time. Nope. But do I try... Yes. Maybe you should make a list. Oh yeah...

57. "If he wants you... He will pursue you." I am still waiting for this to happen, and it will someday. Until then I will continue to work on me.

1 comment:

  1. Took the time to read ur list and loved it. I think i am motivated to make my ow list:) thanks for sharing. - NARDA
