Sunday, November 6, 2011

Fighting the Urge.

Yes, I have been hoping and planning and sometime scheming to get things to go my way.  This time I am not going to do any of that.  This time I will follow his lead.  This time I am not going to force something that's not there.  I am going to allow him to be the man.  The man that I have always wanted.  I am not going to chase him.

If I haven't learned anything in these past few months then seriously my eyes must have been shut, ears closed, and my head must have been covered by a blanket...  For the past year and half I have been living by the motto "If a guy wants you... then he will pursue you."  But only with a certain someone... the rest of the "men" I have encountered haven't been what I have needed or wanted.  As I step back from those situations and really examine them, I notice the same pattern.  Me.  Everything Me.  I let my wants and desires get in the way.  I pursued them... and honestly you can't pursue someone who doesn't want to be pursued.  And what was I doing?  Yes, I have a very dominate personality.  A very take the lead way of doing things, but as I think and pray I realize that sometimes it is necessary to relinquish control.  Not only to God, but to the guy I like.   I also realized that a lot of men aren't willing to put them  selves out there.  They are timid... so maybe taking a backseat will give him the confidence he needs...

I was sitting in my Western Civilization class last Friday, and I wrote a list of things I need my partner to be.  I need him to be a Godly man, someone who will eventually lead our family.  Someone who can make me laugh at all times, and in all circumstances, and finally someone who makes me a better person.  My list isn't long, and honestly it used to be.  It used to be filled with trivial things like... he has to be over 6 foot, handsome, has to come from a big family, has to have a car, and a job.  He has to make such and such amount of money.... blah blah blah...

I also realized that it's not about what a man can provide for me, but what can I provide for him.  Where's that list been?  I have to be prepared... I am not only looking for someone special... I am sure they are looking for the same.  So instead of making a laundry list of must haves for my future husband... I decided it would be appropriate to make one about me for him.  I don't think it's really necessary for me to share it with everyone, but I think it was an eye opening experience.  I really thought about it.  Where can I be better?  What needs to change in my life?  How can I prepare myself?  I think it takes a lot to really look at your weaknesses and admit that you need a little help or guidance.

I hope that one day my future husband will read this, and realizes that I have been along with the guidance and help of Jesus Christ preparing myself for him.  I know that I need to allow the guy to lead. And that's going to be hard for me.  So to the same guy I wrote about in my "If he likes you... He will pursue you" blog... I'll be here graciously waiting... And yes everyone in care you are wondering... Things have changed since I last wrote about that certain situation.

So from now on I will be fighting the urge to take the lead... I will be sitting back praying for my future husband.  :)

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