Sunday, April 11, 2010

Yay Me!!

Life changes are happening. I am making changes and doing things I would have been to scared to do a few months ago... I have been living a comfortable life. No worries. Always knowing that everything will be taking care of by my parents.

Well awhile back I decided I was ready to move. Actually the biggest thing was I was ready to find a new job. I started looking 2 weeks ago and whamm bam I found one... And I applied, got a call 20 minutes later, and a interview 2 days later. Talk about meant to be... Well my interview involved me showing off my skills. So of course I turn to my best friend and ask her if I can cut and highlight her hair.... with little hesitation she said yes! (by the way I have wanted to chop Carrie's hair off for a really long time now). Well the day before my interview... I was unexpectedly nervous. Not nervous about not getting the job because I know my skills. I was nervous about getting the job... I told myself if I get this job my life is about to change drastically. I freaked myself out... I might have even had a mini panic attack... I called my best friends and they all said the same thing... take it one day at a time, you first have to get the job before you move. Exactly... get the job, than worry about everything else.

Interview day came and went. I did amazing, and felt that if they didn't hire me it would be there loss. I got a call the next day, they didn't offer me a job, but told me that they were looking for more people like me... She actually said, "you know Kendra... you aren't the average hair dresser and we are looking for more people of your caliber..." Now if that doesn't make you feel great I don't know what will... She said that I would be hearing by the following week.

I hadn't heard anything by Wednesday. And I could tell that it was beginning to effect my mood. I kept trying to be positive. Saying that if this wasn't the job, I would find another one... but I really wanted this one... Thursday came and around 11... I got a call from a number that I didn't recognize... I answered it, and it was the call I had been waiting for... I got the job! I start April 30th. I am super excited!

Now the apartment search can officially begin.... I am excited for that too... I am excited to finally step into the big world with both feet!

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